House Cleansing Special - WITHIN THE U.S.
Do you have negative energy around you and/or in your home? If you have been experiencing bad luck or don't feel like anything goes your way then a house cleansing is exactly what you need to get on a better path. If you have had a spell cast previously this will also help it manifest by removing any negative energy that is around you and/or in your home. Our coven will preform a house cleansing and then ship you some white sage to burn in your home with simple instructions to finish removing the negative energy. You can burn the sage in your home multiple times to clear it whenever you desire.
House Cleansing Special - OUTSIDE OF THE U.S.
Do you have negative energy around you and/or in your home? If you have been experiencing bad luck or don't feel like anything goes your way then a house cleansing is exactly what you need to get on a better path. If you have had a spell cast previously this will also help it manifest by removing any negative energy that is around you and/or in your home. Our coven will preform a house cleansing and then ship you some white sage to burn in your home with simple instructions to finish removing the negative energy. You can burn the sage in your home multiple times to clear it whenever you desire. If you live outside of the United States please order this one.